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The truth is broken through 14 beauty rumors

On the issue of women's maintenance, lies are the most popular, a variety of beauty tips, so that women rush, and look forward to the occurrence of miracles. However, these are the same as the golden rule of the baby and to comply with, or from the experience of the sisters, or rumors from the network, but the body has a lot of damage, is to let the truth
  On the issue of women's maintenance, lies are the most popular, a variety of beauty tips, so that women rush, and look forward to the occurrence of miracles. However, these are the same as your golden rule, and the experience of the sisters, or the rumors from the network, but the body has a lot of damage, it is time to make the truth.

  1 with a contraceptive shampoo, hair more beautiful
  Truth: women want to have a black and elegant hair, so, in the use of a variety of hair products, they also came up with a contraceptive shampoo. But the doctor is not optimistic about this approach: want to improve the hair through this method there is no scientific basis. On the contrary, due to contraceptives containing estrogen, often in the head of a large area of ​​skin use, will cause head skin atrophy.
  Expert TIPS: Shampoo insist on the use of hair care products, regular to the beauty salon to do care, pay attention to eat some fruit, vegetables, bean sprouts, cod liver oil, etc. These practices are conducive to the protection of hair, do not believe that some fictitious.
  2 pure natural essential oils can be used as you please
  Truth: popular in Europe and the United States of essential oils so that more and more beautiful women rush. For essential oils, people listen to the most is "from the plant extracts of natural substances, can improve skin health, conditioning physical and mental balance." Essential oil is good, but also control the use. Essential oils are different from ordinary cosmetics, but rather with Chinese herbal medicine, with a certain drug or toxicity. Essential oil concentration is high or excessive use will lead to skin surface can not be metabolic, the formation of burns, so that the skin black, and may even lead to long skin pimples.
  Expert TIPS: the use of aromatic essential oils to do skin care, must first mixed with the plant base oil diluted, so as not to cause hot skin, irritation and other symptoms. If the skin has a precedent for allergies, dilution ratio to be reduced, before use can do a small part of the skin test.

  3 coated with sunscreen can feel at ease in the sun
  The truth: According to the dermatologist's statistics show that most people smear the sunscreen weight less than the safety value of about three percent, not to mention every two hours to fill the coating once more people, so even if the sun Frost, or can not be light on the light.
  Expert TIPS: Before the skin is sunburn, the DNA that causes aging and skin cancer problems has penetrated into the bottom of our skin. So, no matter what time, we still respect the sun is quite good.
  4 eat chocolate president ache  truth: absolutely not. A lot of studies on the effects of diet on the skin show that chocolate and oily skin can not be linked, as greasy food does not affect oily skin, the production of oil-based skin layer is mainly controlled by male hormones within the blood.

  Expert TIPS: Even if you eat into the unlimited amount of chocolate, it will not have the slightest impact on the skin. However, for the sake of the body, chocolate or eat less for the better

  5 fruit meal useful beauty
  Truth: the human body needs a total of nearly 50 kinds of nutrients in order to survive, especially the need for more than 65 grams of protein per day, more than 20 grams of fat in order to maintain tissue organ renewal and repair. Fruit contains more than 85% of water, protein content is less than 1%, almost no essential fatty acids, far can not meet the nutritional needs of the human body, let alone maintain health and beauty.
  Experts TIPS: eat more fruit on the skin is indeed good, but the nutrition is unbalanced, and reasonable with the nutritional balance is healthy and beautiful magic.
  6 oily skin should be cleaned regularly
  Truth: those who oily skin, if you want to frequent the oil out of the oil condition to be controlled, the effect will only be counterproductive. Because cleaning the skin overwork, will make the skin dry, so that the sebaceous glands secrete lipid production becomes more diligent.
  Expert TIPS: oily skin should use non-soap, soft cleanser to wash, sooner or later each time, then immediately coated with non-oily skin cream, rather than frequent cleaning.

  7 hair trimmed more diligent, the faster it grows
  The truth: the new hair cut hair looks really more fluffy, but the growth of the hair is only responsible for the hair, and the number of hair trimmed irrelevant. Hair growth speed, external factors do not have any impact, do not be blinded by falsehood.
  Expert TIPS: hair needs from the inside out of the two-pronged care, I suggest you eat more rich in vitamin H (such as peanuts, eggs and oatmeal) and zinc (such as meat, vegetables and whole grains) of food, can promote hair and The growth of nails.
  8 diet does not have any harm to the skin
  Truth: If you want to lose weight through an extreme diet, over time, the skin will lose elasticity due to abrupt changes in stretching and retraction, and loose parts and ugly wrinkles are also produced. In addition, the diet is also one-sidedness of the skin is not clean and small pimple of the scourge.
  Expert TIPS: thinning rather slow, but persevere. Take a balanced and balanced diet, although the duration of treatment is longer than extreme diet therapy, but its effect is long, and the skin does not cause damage.  

  9 UV cosmetics can prevent sunburn
  Truth: Nowadays, many cosmetics manufacturers have introduced cosmetics with UV filters, and the publicity says that these additions to sunscreen substances (factors) can protect the skin from sunburn. but it is not the truth. These cosmetics have a high level of light protection factor, and therefore can not prevent strong ultraviolet radiation, but can not prevent sun damage to the skin.
  Expert Tip: In order to sunscreen, you have to follow the type of skin, using a special sunscreen. Those sensitive skin should be used as high as possible light protection factor sunscreen cream.
  10 scrub everyone applies
  Truth: Many ladies like to use scrub to remove dead skin, black, dirt. Indeed, after frosting, the skin is usually very smooth. Can you know that? Human epidermal thickness of only one-tenth of a millimeter, and the outermost layer of the cuticle is more slim, but it is an important gateway to protect tender skin, if gently scrub particles in the face massage the next few, It will even on the stratum corneum even the skin caused no small damage.
  Expert TIPS: Unless you are oily skin, or scrub or not for the wonderful. Those who have large pores, oily skin, the best use of scrub per week should not be more than twice.  

  11 acne should try to get down as soon as possible
  Truth: Many women face a long acne, like to squeeze out. I do not know hard squeeze acne, it is easy to leave ugly scars on his face. In addition, if the face of red blood, should also be particularly careful, because the hard squeeze is very easy to squeeze the small blood vessels.
  Expert TIPS: If you really want to squeeze, then you can first do a steam bath on the face of the skin, the fingers wrapped with a cosmetic towel, and then squeeze out the acne gently. The best way to deal with acne is to take care of the pain to prevent small pimple and not smooth skin symptoms.
  12 Oily skin can be washed with soap
  Truth: If you often use the usual soap to wash your face, your skin acid resistant protective film will be affected, so that the skin becomes dry, and can cause skin allergies, even oily skin, also can not.
  Expert TIPS: If you must use soap to wash your face, also use the Facial Soap, that is, synthetic cleanser, is a clean facial soap, it does not damage the facial skin acid protective film.   

  13 sauna and steam bath for a variety of skin
  The truth: steam bath can promote skin blood circulation, remove the horny, which helps to clean the skin. However, if your connective tissue is easy to relax type, the steam bath will make your blood vessels too nervous, can not be re-contraction and revealed, become very unsightly.
  Expert TIPS: If you are sensitive to the skin, want to sauna and steam bath to the skin is not clean or small lumps removed, I suggest you do not forget in the nose, forehead and chin hot damp cloth.
  14 lymphatic drainage is amazing
  Truth: for the beauty salon launched the "lymphatic detoxification" publicity, some beautiful women are very respected. In fact, there is no scientific basis for lymphatic detoxification, lymph circulation is an important part of the body's circulatory system, play an important role in the immune response process, through a simple guide is impossible to completely exclude the body toxins. It is important that lymphatic detoxification can cause lymphatic circulatory disorders, varicose veins and tissue water stasis, and even the risk of poisoning.
  Expert TIPS: the vast majority of cases, as long as the body's own function is normal, toxins can be discharged. If you really need detoxification, then through the food conditioning is relatively safe.  


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